Time is precious. Want to lose weight, look good and have better sex? Use these 23 Cheats To Bulletproof Your Body!
1. Drink red wine to make steak healthier
Washing down your rib-eye with a glass of Cab Sav can lower your
cholesterol. Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found that
compounds called malondialdehydes invade the bloodstream after you eat
red meat. These villains raise your cholesterol and your risk of heart
disease. After plying half a group of diners with red wine, the
scientists found that those who stuck to water saw their modified
cholesterol levels rise by 97%, while the drinkers’ levels stayed the
same or slightly decreased.
2. Snack on oranges to breathe more easily
As anyone who’s suffered from the dreaded “black snot” will attest,
city streets are far from clean. However, a daily vitamin C dose could
help. A study from the University of British Columbia found it protects
your respiratory system from contaminants. “The effects of air pollution
might be modified by antioxidants,” said researcher Michael Brauer.
3. Cheers! Vodka is good for your heart
Make yours a double: a study in the journal Circulation found that
vodka has similar heart-protecting properties to red wine. It raises
levels of HDL cholesterol (that’s the good kind), widens your blood
vessels and increases the amount of oxygen that reaches your ticker.
Grey Goose on the rocks it is, then.
4. Keep her happy by having more sex
Put your wallet away, big spender – new research conducted by the
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine found that women rate
getting enough sex higher than their partner’s generosity. Women who had
described their sexual satisfaction as “above average” were 10 to 13
times more likely to rate their relationship as “very happy” than
less-satisfied ladies.
5. Fortify the cancer-killing power of veg
Yes, it’s a superfood, but broccoli still has its Kryptonite: your
saucepan. Cruciferous veg are packed with cancer-fighting compounds, but
in order to absorb them, you need another chemical: myrosinase. This
enzyme is destroyed in the cooking process. Replace it by spiking your
salad or stir-fry with mustard. It’s the best sidekick your veg could
6. Tweet to drop kilos
A leaner body is just 140 characters away. Scientists at the Arnold
School of Public Health in South Carolina studied 96 participants on a
weight loss programme. On average, each Twitter-devotee lost 0.5% of
their bodyweight for every 10 health tweets they read or wrote.
7. Switch to decaf to save your sight
You might rely on your morning brew, but too much could damage your
eyes. Research in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science found
that caffeine raises your risk of getting glaucoma. If the idea of
decaf gives you the shakes, limit yourself to three cups a day.
8. Eat walnuts to help your… nuts
If you want to keep your swimmers fighting fit, eat more walnuts. A
study published in the Biology of Reproduction found that men who ate
75g of walnuts a day had stronger, healthier and better-shaped sperm.
9. Shaving your head helps your career
Taking the lot off the top can help you rise to the top. Shaving your
head makes you look stronger, more manly and suggests you’ll be a
better leader, according to studies at the University of Pennsylvania.
Maybe someone should give Wayne Rooney the memo…
10. Get some shut-eye to boost your brain
While those “Learn French in Your Sleep” tapes are nothing more than
snake oil, a quick snooze really can make you smarter. University of
Edinburgh researchers found that a 10 min power nap after a lesson helps
your brain to retain what you’ve just learnt. It’s called “memory
consolidation”: your mind isn’t distracted, so the facts have time to
seep in while you mentally re-charge.
11. Avoid smokers to ace your to-do list
The effects of smoke linger on more than your clothes: a new study in
Addiction tested men’s time- and events-based memory (i.e. remembering
to carry out a set task without being prompted). Exposure to second-hand
smoke saw a massive 20% drop in recall compared with men who breathed
fresh air.
12. Pocket your mobile to win her over
There’s no point in shelling out on a dinner date if you’re going to
blow it in the first few seconds: two studies by Essex University found
that keeping your cell on the table makes you less attractive. It
signifies a “wider social network”, killing intimacy. And yes, this
still applies even if it is the latest iPhone.
13. Stand up to fight fat
Don’t send that email – walk across the office instead. Standing for
three hours a day can burn 3.6kg a year, Chester University found.
“Sitting for 11 hours a day isn’t natural,” says researcher Dr John
Buckley, “Your metabolic rate crashes to an absolute minimum.”
14. Slash kilojoules with orange crockery
Chocolate-flavoured drinks taste better when supped from an orange or
cream cup found research in the Journal of Sensory Studies. Scientists
say this discovery could help people lose weight. Try eating dessert
from an orange bowl: if you feel more satisfied, you’re likely to
consume fewer kilojoules.
15. Help your heart with Strawberries
Eating strawberries three times a week will lower your chances of a
heart attack by more than 30%, found a study published in the journal
Circulation. Berries are a rich source of flavonoids which dilate your
arteries, helping to clear out any fatty build ups.
16. Hit the treadmill to learn new skills
The key to boosting your muscle memory or “motor learning” is to do
20 min of aerobic exercise straight after completing the skill you want
to master. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen found that this
unleashes chemicals in your brain that make the lesson stick. So hit the
park after your COD fix.
17. Live longer with 15min workouts
Getting active now will give you more time for leisure in your golden
years. New research published in the medical journal The Lancet found
that men who exercised for just 15 min a day – achievable by getting off
the bus a stop or two early – added three years to their lives. The
fact you’ll look better is an added bonus.
18. Lie face-down for sweeter dreams
We all know what happens if you eat cheese before bed, but sleeping
on your stomach can have far more pleasant results. A study in the
journal Dreaming found that front sleepers were more likely to dream
about having sex. Certainly beats the one about showing up to school
19. Drink milk, win a Nobel prize
The New England Journal of Medicine has found a link between a
country’s milk consumption and their tendency to win Nobel prizes. While
a daily glass of the white stuff won’t turn you into Einstein, the
study authors did note that dairy products are rich in vitamin D, which
is known to boost brainpower. Chocolate was also linked to prize-winning
smarts. “Strive for synergy with hot chocolate,” the study authors
20. Oil your brain to help Alzheimer’s
A daily dose of coconut oil could stave off the effects of
Alzheimer’s disease, found an Oxford University study. The oil contains a
rare type of fat (MCTs) that the brain is more easily able to use as
fuel. This extra power boost helps your grey matter store short-term
memories more efficiently.
22. Tell the truth to stop headaches
Skip that little white lie now and you’ll save yourself more than one
headache later down the line. Studies from the University of Notre Dame
in the US found that lying hurts your health. After asking a group of
men to either abstain from, cut back on or go free-fall with their lies,
they found that the truth-tellers were less tense or sad and suffered
from fewer maladies such as sore throats and headaches.
23. Make friends to lose weight
There’s a reason why Fatty had a party and nobody came: a new study
suggests that hanging out with mates keeps you trim. When Ohio State
University researchers put mice in a social environment, with playmates
and toys, they lost 50% of their belly in a month. It also altered their
physiology, turning ‘white’ fat into calorie-shifting “brown” fat.
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